Запрошенные переводы Запрошенные переводы Поиск Язык, с которого нужно перевести Английский, Словацкий, Польский Язык, на который нужно перевести Английский, Словацкий, Польский ru Tue, 02 Jul 2024 11:19:13 +0000 Перевод 150 150 Cucumis – это сайт, где Вам помогут перевести нужный текст Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia - Английский - Польский Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia. Serbian is my favourite foreign language: Ä° speak it well and Ä° got the B1 at the University of Belgrade. Fri, 09 Oct 2020 21:56:22 +0000 Not dead ? ! ? - Английский - Польский A backend update for cucumis ! Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters. First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago). Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashe ... Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:32 +0000 Not dead ? ! ? - Английский - Словацкий A backend update for cucumis ! Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters. First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago). Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashe ... Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:32 +0000 Lamia, my honey... - Английский - Словацкий Lamija, my honey, the queen of my thoughts, did you have a good sleep? I just want to wish you a pleasant day, to send you a lot of thoughts, tender kisses and to whisper quietly "I love you". Wed, 30 Jan 2019 19:25:02 +0000 Å»yzne pustynie - Польский - Английский W sÅ‚aboÅ›ci odkrywam swe prawdziwe potrzeby hierarchiÄ™ wartoÅ›ci W tÄ™sknocie odnajdujÄ™ swojÄ… tożsamość utraconÄ… OjczyznÄ™ W grzechu widzÄ™ swÄ… bezsilność prawdziwÄ… Å›mierć W samotnoÅ›ci dostrzegam swój ratune ... Mon, 05 Sep 2016 09:12:26 +0000